The China Association for Science, in collaboration with the Chinese Solar Energy Society and the Solar Energy Research Institute in Beijing, has been spearheading the advancement of the field of energy since 1980. As a platform for academic exchange, personnel training, and the promotion of research findings, it plays a pivotal role in driving the industrialization of various energy sources. The journal focuses on reporting major scientific and technological research in solar, biomass, wind, hydrogen, ocean, and geothermal energy. It publishes academic papers, research reports, laboratory equipment and experimental techniques, technical notes, as well as briefings and reviews. The journal « Solar University » adheres to a rigorous editing process and boasts a high inclusion rate in the « EI » index.

ISSN 0254-0096
CN 11-2082/K
Taiyangneng Xuebao
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(Jan – Dec 2023)
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Positive Growth
Nature, in its common sense, refers to the elements untouched by humans: space, air, river, leaves. Art applies to the blending of human will with these same elements, as seen in a house, a canal, a statue, a painting. However, when all its operations are considered together, they are so insignificant – a bit of chipping, cooking, patching, washing – that in the grand impression that the world leaves on the human mind, they do not alter the result. In the realm of renewable energy, wind energy has been created as a sustainable source, harnessing the power of the wind to generate electricity and contribute to a greener future.